The benefit of community led housing


Imagine a world where it could be possible to not only choose where you live but, also how you live and who with? That's what community-led housing is, Its the chance to choose all of that.

The Greater Manchester community Led Housing Hub has been created with YOU in mind. The hub wanted to help people who want to build their own community from start to finish. I know what you think that sound like a lot like of hard work and yes it will be, but, it will also be worth it.  Picture it, you have formed a group of people who think like you, have the same life ambitions, not only for their lives but for their families too. How great would that be? The Hub can help you do that. How great will it be after the blood sweat and tear, because there will be many, I can't do this moment, but, then think about being sat down in a home that you have designed and built your self next to neighbours that you have chosen to live next too?.

I can see you have differed off into that life of possibilities and you know what its Possible, it really is. Have the confidence to take the step, create a life you want and not just the one that has been handed to you, but the one you have chosen, this is the opportunity to do that. No more Terry with the loud music that you have to keep telling, your children are asleep, so please can he respect that and keep the noise down or Janet who keeps baking the cakes that are so nice, you keep taking then, as a result, you're putting on weight, one minute, maybe you want that. Imagine that? the point is you get to choose.

Being part of a group who has formed and working with the Community-led housing hub, we know it's not easy but we are doing it. We are a community benefit society who are made up of a group of people who at first did not know each other, but as we build our vision of the place we all want to live and how we want that to look like, its a fantastic journey getting to know each other. 

Community-Led Housing will guild your community step by step all you have to do is find the people you want to live with and form that community, what are you waiting for? The hub helps you access the learning needed to start on your journey and have enablers that have the knowledge you need to get to your next steps, its a process that the Community-Led Housing hub has covered to help you fulfil your dream of becoming the owner of your community-led homes.


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